C++ is a statically-typed programming language, which means that every variable must have a data type that is declared at compile time. C++ provides a wide range of data types that programmers can use to store and manipulate data. In this article, we'll provide an overview of the most common data types in C++.
Integers: Integers are used to store whole numbers. C++ provides four different types of integers: short, int, long, and long long. Each of these types takes up a different amount of memory, which determines the range of values that can be stored.
Floating-point numbers: Floating-point numbers are used to store decimal values. C++ provides two different types of floating-point numbers: float and double. The float type takes up 4 bytes of memory and can store numbers with up to 7 decimal places, while the double type takes up 8 bytes of memory and can store numbers with up to 15 decimal places.
Characters: Characters are used to store individual letters or symbols. C++ provides two different types of characters: char and wchar_t. The char type takes up 1 byte of memory and can store a single ASCII character, while the wchar_t type takes up 2 bytes of memory and can store a single Unicode character.
Boolean: Boolean values are used to represent true or false. In C++, the boolean type can have two possible values: true or false.
Arrays: Arrays are used to store multiple values of the same data type. C++ provides two types of arrays: static arrays and dynamic arrays. Static arrays have a fixed size that is declared at compile time, while dynamic arrays can change in size at runtime.
Pointers: Pointers are used to store the memory address of a variable. They are often used in C++ to create dynamic data structures like linked lists and trees.
Structs: Structs are used to create custom data types that can store multiple values of different data types. They are often used in C++ to represent complex data structures like graphs and databases.
Classes: Classes are similar to structs, but they can also contain methods that can manipulate the data stored in the class. They are often used in C++ to create object-oriented programs.
In addition to these basic data types, C++ also provides several advanced data types like enums, unions, and typedefs that can be used to create more complex data structures. Understanding the different data types in C++ is an essential part of learning to write programs in this language.