What is escape sequences in c++??

Escape sequences are a powerful tool in C++ that allow you to insert special characters into strings or characters. They are denoted by the backslash () followed by a specific character or set of characters. For example, the \n escape sequence represents a new line, while the \t escape sequence represents a tab. Using escape sequences can make your code more readable and efficient, since you don't have to manually insert special characters or use multiple statements to achieve the same effect. Here's an example of how you might use escape sequences in C++: c++ #include using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello, World!\n"; cout << "This is a\ttest.\n"; return 0; } In this example, the first cout statement uses the \n escape sequence to insert a new line after the message "Hello, World!". The second cout statement uses the \t escape sequence to insert a tab between the words "a" and "test". Overall, escape sequences are a simple yet powerful feature of C++ that can help you write more readable and efficient code.

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